How do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2
How do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2

how do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2

To make life easier, use Eagle Vision when you think you're close to a dinosaur bone as it'll help you locate them much faster. Many dinosaur bones can be found on top of mountains, and some only become available once you've completed the main story.

how do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2

All in all, this hunt is for the completionists out there. Mail off 1 bone for a Quartz Chunk, 15 for a special Skull Statue and all of them for a unique Jawbone Knife. Otherwise, you'll also be rewarded handsomely for your excavation efforts.

how do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2

One reason you'll want to find all of the dinosaur bones is to earn the coveted 100% completion trophy. There are a total of 30 dinosaur bones scattered across Red Dead Redemption 2’s map, and you’ll need to kickstart the “A Test of Faith” Stranger Mission to kickstart your excavation career. Keep an eye out for dinosaur bones as you trot through New Hanover and you could genuinely redisover their former glory. Long before the Wild West existed, dinosaurs roamed the earth until a big ol’ meteor obliterated them all.

How do you find dinosaur bones in red dead redemption 2